Ockham Alerting Service search results
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The effects of finite element grid density on model correlation and damage detection of a bridge
- date - 2005-06-26
- creator - Simmermacher, T.; Mayes, R.L.; Reese, G.M.; James, G.H. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States)]; Zimmerman, D.C. [University of Houston, Houston, TX (United States). Dept. of Mechanical Engineering]
- provider - NSDL OAI Repository
- location - http://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/10182780-yCruUm/webviewable/
- description - Variation of model size as determined by grid density is studied for both model refinement and damage detection. In model refinement 3 it is found that a large model with a fine grid is preferable in order to achieve a reasonable correlation between the experimental response and the finite element model. A smaller model falls victim to the inaccuracies of the finite element method. As the grid become increasing finer, the FE method approaches an accurate representation. In damage detection the FE method is only a starting point. The model is refined with a matrix method which doesn`t retain the FE approximation, therefore a smaller model that captures most of the dynamics of the structure can be used and is preferable.
History of technology
- date - 1997
- creator - University of Houston, Center for Technology Literacy (CTL)
- provider - NSDL OAI Repository
- location - http://texastechnology.com/Curriculum/Tech_Ed_Course/Middle_School/gg_Technology_Education_Overview/01_History_of_Technology.pdf
- description - Technology means many things to many people. History, however, provides the best introduction to technology. This unit introduces the subject of technology by exploring the historical context of technology. Most importantly, the context of technology can be explained and demonstrated through a variety of media. Copyright 2005 International Technology Education Association
Communication systems
- date - 1997
- creator - University of Houston, Center for Technology Literacy (CTL)
- provider - NSDL OAI Repository
- location - http://texastechnology.com/Curriculum/Tech_Ed_Course/Middle_School/gg_Technology_Education_Overview/05_Communication_Systems.pdf
- description - In this unit, students explore an introduction to communication systems theory and practice. Students will rely on the concepts mastered in this unit to complete the activities in other units. Communication is essential for human life and success. All areas of life depend on technology to communicate in one form or another. Activities will require learners to diagram elements of the communication system using the communications model, use a communications model to determine the best resources needed to communicate, demonstrate proper safety techniques, and evaluate the quality of the communication. Copyright 2005 International Technology Education Association
- date - 1997
- creator - University of Houston, Center for Technology Literacy (CTL)
- provider - NSDL OAI Repository
- location - http://texastechnology.com/Curriculum/Tech_Ed_Course/Middle_School/dd_Exploring_Construction_Technology/02_Construction.pdf
- description - In this lesson, students will engage in hands-on experience constructing model structures and standard stock structures according to design, schedule, and quality control specifications. Learners will explore how a systems model can be used to describe construction activities apply construction technology to specific tasks, and design an item for construction using appropriate design processes and techniques. Students construct buildings or structures using the appropriate tools, equipment, machines, materials, and technical processes. In managing a construction technology project or system, students demonstrate the ability to solve problems, think critically, and make decisions. Basic product marketing in construction is discussed as well. Copyright 2005 International Technology Education Association
Transportation systems
- date - 1999
- creator - University of Houston, Center for Technology Literacy (CTL)
- provider - NSDL OAI Repository
- location - http://texastechnology.com/Curriculum/Tech_Ed_Course/Middle_School/gg_Technology_Education_Overview/08_Transportation_Systems.pdf
- description - In this lesson, Students will understand that transportation is a technology that supports other technological systems. This unit introduces the student to the concepts related to moving people and things from one place to another. Students may use a systems model to research the elements of transportation systems; use a design process to develop a plan for a solution; demonstrate proper safety techniques; use appropriate resources and processes for implementing a solution to a transportation problem; and evaluate the quality of a solution. Copyright 2005 International Technology Education Association
Manufacturing systems
- date - 1997
- creator - University of Houston, Center for Technology Literacy (CTL)
- provider - NSDL OAI Repository
- location - http://texastechnology.com/Curriculum/Tech_Ed_Course/Middle_School/gg_Technology_Education_Overview/10_Manufacturing_Systems.pdf
- description - This unit introduces the processes and resources involved in manufacturing systems. The student will use a design process to develop a plan for a product; use a systems model to plan for the manufacturing of a product; demonstrate proper safety techniques; use appropriate resources and processes to manufacture a product; and evaluate the quality of a finished product. Copyright 2005 International Technology Education Association
Bio-related technology systems
- date - 1997
- creator - University of Houston, Center for Technology Literacy (CTL)
- provider - NSDL OAI Repository
- location - http://texastechnology.com/Curriculum/Tech_Ed_Course/Middle_School/gg_Technology_Education_Overview/06_Bio_Related_Technology.pdf
- description - This unit explores the impact technology has had on bio-related subjects. Cloning, genetically enhanced vegetables, new agricultural processes, medical equipment, and medicines are all technologies that relate to biology. Activities for users will be geared around using a systems model to research the elements of bio-related technology systems, using a design process to develop a plan for a solution, demonstrating proper safety techniques, using appropriate resources and processes for implementing a solution to a bio-related technology problem, and evaluating the quality of a solution. Copyright 2005 International Technology Education Association
Author: Eric Lease Morgan <emorgan@nd.edu>
Date created: 2004-08-25
Date updated: 2005-09-06
URL: http://alert.ockham.org